Part Integrator, Part Navigator, Part Coach

Goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress.” - James Clear, Atomic Habits


With over 20 years of experience spanning numerous venture-backed, early-stage technology startups in industries such as cyber-security, search, augmented reality, and more, I have firsthand experience as an operator building companies from the ground up and navigating complex business obstacles. I’ve worked both as an embedded executive, driving operational excellence and product development, and as an advisor and coach, supporting leaders in their growth as operators, managers, and problem-solvers. My track record includes connecting people with an intentional culture, integrating data and KPIs into decision-making processes, and streamlining business systems to enhance efficiency, efficacy, growth, and scale.


My approach combines a leader-as-coach mindset, focusing on outcomes over output, enhancing transparency across teams, clarifying accountability across roles, and leveraging the growth of people into the expansion of business opportunities. I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my roles, highlighting the interconnected nature of business functions while ensuring the right work is being done by the right people, for the right customers, at the right time.


Residing in the San Francisco East Bay Area, I relish tinkering with new technologies, systems, and best practices, and am passionate about assisting and supporting leaders in achieving their strategic goals. A University of Maryland, College Park Computer Science graduate, Santa Clara University MBA, EOS Integrator Masterclass graduate, and credentialed International Coaching Federation coach, I am dedicated to fostering environments where every individual’s work connects meaningfully to the company’s vision, mission, and values while creating a space where people thrive and business succeeds.