Various Testimonials

“To sell well is to convince someone else to part with resources— not to deprive that person, but to leave them better off in the end.” - Daniel H. Pink, To Sell is Human

“I have worked with Jason in the context of an advisor, co-worker, and most recently as a personal mentor and coach. One thing that always brings me back to Jason is his clear-minded approach to problem-solving, which not only addresses the specific problem de jour but more importantly brings in the needs and wants of the individual. This is a unique and rare ability, which requires Jason to maintain impartiality while maintaining an air of empathy and understanding. Every time I get to dig into issues with Jason I come out the other side feeling like I have exercised all my deepest capabilities, and explored all of my concerns and insecurities fully. It's quite effective, and he has helped me navigate some major life decisions and professional moments.”

— Idan B.

“Jason has been my coach for just over 12 months now. We commenced just as the pandemic hit and initially the focus was on building out my business as I had just launched in February 2020. Jason was quick to support me in identifying that there needed to be a quick pivot on what we were focussing on so that I would be at the front end of the curve when the shift started. This is one of Jason's key strengths, to be able to see the larger picture, to look over and into the system to then identify where there is an opportunity. In my case, this was moving into an area of more transformational growth at an individual and organizational level. Our journey continues, however, there has been an incremental success, which is building momentum, rapidly. The best way that I can describe Jason's style is that he holds your feet close enough to the fire, so you feel the heat, the uncomfortableness that may be within what you are trying to solve, however, you don't get burnt. That is he holds the space firmly but with sensitivity, which was SO needed for me but I imagine many others in today's world. Jason's other strength is business, the complex, volatile world of entrepreneurship. As someone who is a start-up, his knowledge enabled him to ask the questions and help me identify, quickly the gaps that were in my thinking, strategy, and approach. Another pivot was needed here, one that had quick success. If personal growth, business creation, or building out your leadership capability to support your trajectory is where you see a gap, then I would highly recommend Jason as someone who will assist you in your success.”

— Trevor T.

“Jason has been an excellent coach and consultant to both my business and myself. He is intuitive and has an amazing ability to simplify and streamline systems and processes. Jason has been able to coach me through difficult issues and the transitions I have been facing moving from a personal service business, with a team of nurses, to providing virtual services. He helped me change how the office works so that we can manage my practice virtually. His background, coaching skills, and technical ability helped me make transitions with my team and move the business forward quickly to adapt to the changing needs of my team and clients.”

— Lynn G.


“Working with Jason provided me the opportunity to explore and create strategies for launching my coaching business. Jason helped me maintain focus on what is important in my business always walking away with clarity regarding the action steps between sessions.”

— Amanda H.


“Jason's coaching has been very effective for me. In a surprisingly short time span, I was able to achieve the promotion I sought. He is quite insightful and I always feel energized and motivated after our sessions. He carefully considers my needs and provides constructive feedback or suggestions based on the situation presented. I enjoy the comfortable rapport that has developed which allows me to really be vulnerable and inevitably leads to change. When I contracted with Jason, I was seeking advice on how to be a better version of my professional self. I wanted to be more organized, less stressed, to be a better leader for my employees, to effectively communicate with difficult co-workers, and most importantly to really consider my career path, my goals. I found it especially beneficial that Jason has considerable experience in a similar career field which enabled him to be more empathetic. He offered suggestions on how to adjust my perspective, to get creative. He's empowered me to be firm and not feel guilty for being resolute in my convictions. He is helping me be more confident, to eschew my limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behavior. I am ever grateful for his patience and determination.”

— Gwen H. (2021)


“Jason's advising has guided me towards being a better leader for my employees and for my company. Our sessions together have had a positive impact on my project organization and have helped me focus and achieve my career ambitions.”

— Gwen H. (2020)